
Wednesday 25 July 2018

What Is A Natural Disaster - Mahara

Have you ever wonder why natural disaster happen well today i am going to tell you why. This type of stuff happen all around the world some places in the world they have a lot of earth quakes some other places have a lot of tornados, but it is all based on where you live in the would. These natural disaster happen with very little warning. When does natural disasters happen well the is no exact time or place that we are going to have a natural disaster.

What is natural disaster? a natural disaster is when the earth has made a disaster but not made by Man (Human) but by the earth, Due to something happening with the earth like an earth quake this is caused by where you live in the world because some people experience more earth quakes than others. 

How does Tornadoes (Twister) most Tornadoes form when when there is warm moist air and cool dry air when they form they form a Tornado. 
Image result for tornadoImage result for tornado

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mahara
    I just read your blog post and I found out that your blog post was outstanding! I like the way you were researching about your national disaster: 'Tornados'. Also I like how you describe what the tornado looks like and how it happens everytime in every year.
